Create a Vue 3 / Vuetify 3 Alpha app - Part 1

By George Campbell on January 2, 2022

We will create a Vue 3 application with Vuetify 3 Alpha and in future posts, build out a photo photo app and deploy it to a secure endpoint using Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk.

In this first blog post, we will create our Vue 3 app with Vuetify 3, which offers Google Material UI support. You can pull down the repository or follow along.

git clone
cd nmusaf-org

To get the project to the state it will be in at the end of the block, check out the starter branch.

git checkout starter-project

Pick a Development Platform

Because I am primarily a mobile app developer, I develop in the MacOS ecosystem. These instructions will work on either an Intel (x86_64) or M1 (arm64) mac.

Install Prerequisites



install the latest version of node

Vuetify 3 requires node 17.

nvm install 17
nvm use 17

As of 1/2/22, I’m on version 17.3.0.

install the vue-cli globally

Vuetify 3 requires the latest vue cli release candidate.

npm install -g @vue/cli@5.0.0-rc.1
vue --version

Create the vue app

I will call my site (National Museum of the United States Air Force), since I was able to buy for $12 using AWS Route 53 (more on that later).

vue create nmusaf

pick Manually select features

use the space bar to select Rouer and Unit testing. The menu should look like this:

? Check the features needed for your project:
❯◉ Choose Vue version
 ◉ Babel
 ◯ TypeScript
 ◯ Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
 ◉ Router
 ◯ Vuex
 ◯ CSS Pre-processors
 ◉ Linter / Formatter
 ◉ Unit Testing
 ◯ E2E Testing


Pick Vue version 3.x

Answer Y to use history mode for the router.

For ESLint, choose ESLint + Prettier

Choose Lint on save


Choose Jest


Choose In dedicated config files

Save this configuration as a preset, name it nmusaf-config

Now the vue-cli will configure your project.

Configure the Vue App

Add Vuetify

cd nmusaf
vue add vuetify

Select Vuetify 3 Preview (Vuetify 3)

After Vuetify 3 is installed, update the project.

npm update

Run the App

Now we can run the app locally.

npm run serve

You should see the Vuetify 3 Alpha splash screen:

Next Step

In Part 2 (coming soon!) we will create a photo app, and in Part 3 we’ll deploy it to a secure endpoint using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Stay tuned!